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Simplify your Practice and Maximize Revenue
Third - Party Enrollment & Credentialing for Healthcare
Professionals: A consociation with You in Mind.
One very important function often overlooked is insurance credentialing and enrollment. Effectively
credentialing your practice is paramount to your practice growth. Partnering with Medbill Compliance
Group Inc allows your practice the added value of an extension that pacts expertise and experience in
practice/provider credentialing. At MedBill compliance Group, Inc., we maintain your practice’s
prosperity while allowing you to stress less, become practice healthy while providing a continuum of
health service.
Becoming a Participating Provider with Medicare and other health insurer is an integral organism to the
success of your practice. MedBill Compliance Group, Inc is your in-house credentialing department.
Together, our partnership will allow your practice to welcome new insured, add additional insurance
panels, and mitigate loss of revenue. MedBill Compliance Group’s guided program will direct and
complete all process necessary for credentialing you/your practice. Having the knowledge and
experience to skillfully navigate and accurately expedite this process is what makes our team successful.
The insurance industry has a large number of insurance plans as the list continues to grow with an
ever-changing world. To give credence, the number of insurance plans available is the number of
individual rules and regulations. The enrollment process can take an excess of 30 – 120 days.
MedBill Compliance group, Inc streamlines the application process too valiantly expedite you/your
practice’s enrollment. Because of this process, you/your practice will maintain up-to-date credentials,
remain in a participating status with insurers, and admit new providers to you/your practice. Together
we can: see a clear vision for you/your practice, invoke a continuum of quality and efficient patient care,
and realize measurable growth success of you/your practice.
So how do we do it? Why the need for somebody other to handle my credentialing? MedBill Compliance
Group, Inc understands and values your time. Consider the following added values to you/your practice
by partnering with the experts of MedBill Compliance Group, Inc.:
MedBill Compliance Group, Inc serves over 750 new & existing Penslyviania
Healthcare Providers